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We've turned 12, and there's no better way to celebrate than by discounting all your favourite brands. From 26 September to 15 October you can enjoy great discounts on our website. https://craftelier.com/en-ie/anniversary?utm_source=youtubeu0026utm_medium=youtubeu0026utm_campaign=aniversario Follow us: •Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/craftelier_/ •Facebook: ENG: https://www.facebook.com/craftelieruk/ •Facebook: FR: https://www.facebook.com/Craftelier.fr •TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@crafteliermit... •Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/mitiendadear... •Telegram (English): https://t.me/craftelier_en •Telegram (Français): https://t.me/craftelier_fr •Telegram (Deutsch): https://t.me/craftelier_de
We're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - CraftelierWe're 12 years old - Craftelier
We're 12 years old - Craftelier